Monday, February 1, 2010

Dear Mr. Sunshine...

Dear Mr. Sunshine,
I miss you so much! I wish so badly that you would come back and sit in the sky. I REALLY want to go outside and play, but it's always raining, or it's cold. Even on the days when you are in the sky, Mommy still won't let me stay outside long. She says it's "chilly", but I know I could handle it. I am tired of my nose running and seeing Mommy come at me with the tissue. I miss the days when we could play outside, not be cold, not to have to wear all these jackets and hats, and not have a runny nose. I have this really cool red wagon that I love to ride in. I also like to swing and I love when Mommy strolls me around. We need the sun to do those things! Please, please Mr. Sunshine, come back soon! I will be very good, I promise!
Remembering when Mr. Sunshine was in the sky...

Come back, Mr. Sunshine!


  1. Too cute!! I miss that little guy! (You guys too)

  2. I love that pic oif him looking out the window, so cute. Love, Aunt Heather

  3. I miss the sunshine AND the Georgia warmth! So glad we didn't decide to move up North for Dave's work!
