Monday, August 10, 2009

This monkey is Trouble!

Even when Landon was in the womb, he was a monkey, and that's now what I call him! Always moving around, always kicking. He is living up to his nickname! Landon is constantly in motion, whether it's crawling, kicking, or climbing.
When I take my morning shower, Landon sits in his bouncy seat and watches Sesame Street. However, if Elmo isn't on he will quickly lose interest. A few times lately when I get out of the shower, this is what I see:

Yep, even though he is buckled in, he tries to climb out!

His legs are twisted, hiney in the air, but all he can think about is getting out and crawling around. He's into EVERYTHING!

This little monkey never ceases to surprise me and make me laugh! He is a nut, and every minute with him is a joy!


  1. Hang on, girl, life is changing fast with the monkey on the move. These pictures are really funny.

  2. Haha!!!! That is too funny! How cute! At least this time you were able to get a picture before you rescued him!!! Love it!

  3. I think this is one of my fav posts! He is so cute! I just LOVE him!
