Thursday, September 17, 2009

Exploring and Ducks

You've heard of Dora the Explorer, but have you seen Landon the Explorer? Holy cow! This kid is constantly on the move, and into EVERYTHING! I am constantly redirecting him and bringing him back to his toys, but he REALLY loves exploring our house! I recently followed him around the other day with my camera to show you all his explorations and favorite things in our house.

"Hmm, these white things are fun. They move and make fun sounds!"

"Hmmm, think I'll lift up this mat. What's under here? Oh, a cheerio!"
"Think I'll have a little snack here! Finders Keepers!"

"I can see myself in here! How can I get into this thing and see what Mommy and Daddy are always putting in here?"

"Oh yeah! I love pulling out all this stringy stuff from this fake tree! It makes a fun mess!"
"What, Mommy? Don'tcha want to play in the tree with me?"

"Maybe if I hide here under the table she won't see me. Oops, busted! I'll just have to go find some more rooms to explore!"
Everyday it's something new that Landon finds and wants to see. We have a million toys here to entice him, but who needs toys when there's a house to explore?

This past weekend, Landon went to spend the day and night with Mimi and Papa while Mommy and Daddy went to Athens for the big game. Go dawgs! They took him to the park, and Landon got to see ducks for the first time!
"What are these things??? They're eating my snacks!"

"I like feeding ducks and going to the park!"
"Whew! Going to the park wears me out!"


  1. AAWWW! Looks like he had a great time at the park! Looks like your Mom and Dad had just as much fun as he did. They are such awesome Grandparents! I love the picture of him playing in the moss. Addison did that once and then Belle ate it and puked. Wonderful, huh? Bet you're glad you never got that puppy! :)

  2. he always looks so cute in his little hat:)

  3. i love the play by play. babies are so fun!

  4. Sounds like it's time to break out the baby jail! Better do it soon, or he'll learn that he has an option to be free and won't stay in it (happily) when you need him to!
    Love all the pics!!!!
