Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Weekend at Mimi's!

We recently went on a cruise with Margo, Duke, James, and Liz. While the adults were away and playing, Landon spent his long weekend with Mimi and Papa. Papa was out of town for most of the weekend, so Mimi didn't have to share her precious Landon. Ha! They had a busy weekend full of fun, including a trip to the Yellow River Game Ranch, the pool, Chick-fil-A, and the mall. Here's some pics from their fun weekend:

I think Landon wore Mimi out! But they sure did have a blast!

1 comment:

  1. I know your Mom had a blast with him! He looks so big on that horse! We need to take the kiddos to The Game Ranch one day...Addison loves that place!
