I've been terrible about blogging lately, so here's a quick update! We have had a great Fall so far! The weather has been beautiful, and we've enjoyed all of the fall festivities! Here's some pics of our Fall:
Daddy finished Landon's playset!
We went to the Amigos for Christ festival and rode the train with Kaylee! (AFC is the organization that Kris went to Nicaragua with in July)
Eating yummy cookies at our Halloween playgroup!
Look what Landon made with his handprints!
At the Vine's Fall Festival riding with Daddy on the hayride!
Riding the hayride with Grandma and Mimi!
He loved the parachutes at the Fall Festival more than anything!
Playing the Lollipop Tree!
At the Pumpkin Patch sharing secrets with Daddy!
Sweet boy!
On Halloween, we rode the hayride around Uncle James' neighborhood with a bunch of our friends! (Notice Kris with Landon's lightup safety sword. He had more fun with it than Landon!)
Our little elephant with Superman Tristan and Mickey Mouse Cade!
Isn't he the cutest elephant you've ever seen???
Now we're into November, which means birthday parties for us! So many friends have fall birthdays! Here's Landon at Anna Kate's birthday party riding a pony for the first time. He loved it! We also went to Addison's birthday party where Landon had a ball painting a piggy bank! Next up....Landon's birthday!!!