Monday, December 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Landon!

Landon is 4 weeks old today! It is so hard to believe that Landon has been here for a whole month already. Honestly, it feels like he's been with us for forever. It's hard to imagine life without him in our home now. Even though 4 weeks may seem like a short time to some, I feel like I've already learned so much from our little monkey. So I decided to make a list of the things that I've learned.

What I've learned in the past month:
1. It is really hard to be on time anywhere when you have a newborn.
2. You can survive on a few hours of sleep and not even feel tired.
3. I used to be a decent sleeper. Now I am up at the slightest peep.
4. There is nothing on tv at 2 a.m.
5. Sometimes it takes forever for a baby to burp!
6. You can (and will) get peed on by a baby boy.
7. My husband can handle taking care of a baby!
8. I can eat standing up, with one hand, and chewing doesn't happen as much.
9. Poopy diapers aren't so gross when they're coming from something so cute.
10. I can unclog a tear duct without having to call the doctor!
11. The Baby Book by Dr. Sears is the best book ever.
12. Landon doesn't care whether I've had a shower or not.
13. It's okay for my baby to cry. It doesn't mean I'm a bad mom.
14. I never knew I could love someone so much that I've known for such a short time.
And the BIGGEST thing that I've learned in the past month is:
15. Things are not always how you envision they will be. They might be completely different, and that's perfectly okay. What matters is that my baby is here and healthy!

Here's Landon on the day he was born.

Here he is today. Of course he was sleeping when I wanted to take pictures. He had a big day meeting his future girlfriends, Abigail and Karra! (Us terrible moms forgot to take pics, but we will next time!)


  1. Congrats on a beautiful little man...I have my one and only child, a 9 year old me, it just gets more fun! :)

  2. Great list, Jessica. I can completely relate to the sleep thing. When Madeline was born, I was on such a high I felt like I'd never need to sleep again (I was wrong, of course). And I, too, was a great sleeper and now wake up very easily, but it's so worth it.

    Oh, and The Baby Book by Dr. Sears is one of my favorite references as well.

    p.s. We're having a baby girl! (We opened our card over Christmas where the ultrasound tech had written our baby's sex down six weeks ago.) I told Dave he'll soon be living in an "estroden" with his four girls!
