Thursday, March 19, 2009

Fun times with Landon!

Landon is really at a fun age! He smiles and laughs all the time. His legs are always moving, and it looks like he's riding a bike. Landon is always "talking" now and cooing up a storm. He laughs and talks to the tv, especially when Curious George and Super Why are on. He really notices people now. He follows Kris and I when we're walking around, and when we go to get him up we're greeted with big smiles!
Landon loves to ride around in the Baby Bjorn. He looks all around and kicks while I get some housework done. He's always drooling now, and we go through bibs like crazy. He also loves to look at himself in the mirror.
This week we got out some new toys for Landon. Here he is in his Jumperoo. He liked watching me cook and trying to bounce.

We got out Landon's exersaucer too. The seat spins around the table so that he can play with all the different things. His feet are no where near the ground yet, so we have to spin him for now. He stares and stares at all the toys.
We recently had our first poop explosion incident. It was up the back, out the sides of the diaper, all over the onesie and pants. YUCK! Kris wanted to cut off the onesie, but I voted against that. Luckily, we were able to pull it off down his legs and stretch the neck a little bit. It took forever to clean him off, and then Kris took on the task of washing out Landon's clothes in the sink. It was so gross, but we survived. Thank heavens we were home!Landon is very funny when he sleeps. He starts in one area of the bed and ends up in another area. I always put him on his elevated sleep positioner, but he slides right down and around. I was cracking up when I caught him napping the other day with his hands above his head. His Papa does that too!

Speaking of sleep, Landon still sleeps great at night. However, naptimes are a little more challenging. Most days he will cry for a bit before falling asleep. Then many times he tends to wake up easily, and sometimes he'll wake up after just a little while. Therefore, I am a nazi about being quiet during his naptime. I'm afraid that any little sound in the house is going to wake him. It's funny because when we're out of the house, Landon can sleep through anything. He snoozes right through the loud music at church!
I'm a quiet little mouse during naptime. I still keep his door cracked as he continues getting used to his room so I can peep at him. I turn the tv way down, whisper on the phone, and hate to cook anything in the nearby kitchen. In fact, the other day I needed to open some cans of peaches (for a yummy peach cobbler!), and I took the can opener across the house into our bathroom. I plugged it in there and opened my cans. I'll also go into our bathroom to open a coke can. I also won't run the dryer when his clothes are in it because of all the snaps on his onesies and bibs. Paranoid? Yes. Crazy? Maybe.
But I have learned this- NEVER WAKE A SLEEPING BABY! It doesn't matter who is coming over, what is happening, who wants to hold him. You don't wake him or you will pay for it later. So, I am a little mouse creeping around my own home. Soon I will start shutting his door and relying on the monitor. Until then, I am a prisoner in my own house because I want my child to sleep! Oh, the days of our lives!

More updates on our happy little one soon!

1 comment:

  1. I love all the pictures! Too cute! Love, Jenn
