On Saturday we had a visit with some of our favorite cousins! Landon and I met Heather, Joy, Elisha, and little Hayden for lunch and playing. Landon pitched a fit when we got there, but after a snooze at Frontera he recovered and posed well for the million pictures we took. Here are some:
Here's Hayden! She and Landon were born one day apart, and Hayden weighed one ounce less than Landon. But you wouldn't know that now! She's growing so fast!
Landon and Hayden checking each other out after getting their diaper changed. We took a ton of pictures of them, but they didn't tire of the endless flashing!
I love this picture! It looks like Landon is thinking, "Don't you touch my ear girly!"
"Aunt" Elisha hanging with Landon
Landon and Hayden had fun looking at each other and getting passed around. Landon also loves his "Aunt" Heather! She has spoiled him and Hayden beyond belief! She brought them both adorable clothes to keep them sylish this spring and summer. She is so sweet! We can't wait until we can all meet up again and play with Landon and Hayden! They are so cute together!
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