Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Busy Day!

Wednesday was a busy day for Landon and I! First we went to Snellville to visit Great Grandma and give her her 90th birthday present. She was so excited to see little Landon and love on him. We're so blessed that Landon has 2 great grandmas to get to know!

Next, we went over to Mimi and Papa's house to meet their new dog Phoebe! Phoebe is a yellow lab mix with a little greyhound in her. She is so pretty (and big)! Phoebe is so calm and she doesn't jump on people or furniture. She was staring at Landon trying to figure out what that noise was. She can sit and kiss on demand. I got a slobbery one from her. Landon is going to love playing with Phoebe in the future! After meeting Phoebe we went to lunch with Papa and Uncle Steven. It's always good to see them!
Then we went to Pharr so that Landon could meet my teacher friends. I should've allowed more time because I forgot how many great people I worked with I would want to see! It was so good to see everyone and have so many friends meet Landon.
When I was visiting with my friend Meredith, one of her students, Michael, came in and was in awe of Landon. He asked me funny questions like, "Is it real?" "Is it a boy or girl?" "How long has he been alive?" He was so cute and I remembered how much kids can make you smile with their innocence. As soon as we got in the car, Landon sacked out! He slept the whole way home.
Thursday morning Landon and I met our friend Stacy from church for breakfast. Stacy has a 3 month old named Ayla. She was so sweet and cute! She has red hair like Landon, so won't they be cute running around together!

It's been a busy week already! Landon turns 2 months on Saturday, so we'll have another update then!

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