Saturday, January 24, 2009

Is it real?

Today Landon is 2 months old! How time flies! I thought I'd post a few more things I've learned about motherhood in the past month.
1. Poop can stain some clothes.
2. Landon's never going to be able to wear all of his adorable clothes before growing out of them. (Maybe future kid #2 will be a boy as well...)
3. Watching your child have to be in the hospital is the most heartbreaking thing ever.
4. RSV sucks (enough said)
5. Seeing my baby smile makes me happier than I've ever known.
6. Who knew there were multiple uses for a hairdryer, vacuum, and dryer?
7. My noise machine finally comes in useful for more than just me!
8. When a baby is tired, you better find a way to let them sleep! Your errands, etc will have to wait!
9. Grandparents might love your baby more than you do!
10. I love my sling! Landon loves it too. At least once a day, he gets in it for a ride. It helps me get things done around the house and he loves to nap in it. Here's a pic of Landon in the sling:

Landon loves to pay on his Baby Einstein mat! He likes to stare at the lights and colors.

Landon also really likes his baths now. The first few weeks he wasn't too sure about them. Now he likes to look around and enjoy the water. He gets upset when he has to get out! Bathtime will be even more fun when we can play with all our bath toys.

Here is a rare time when Landon wasn't screaming when he got out of the bathtub!

Our fabulous friend Rebecca painted this for Landon's nursery:

She is so talented and creative! Landon will have something to look at now over his changing table. Rebecca, Nick, Katelynn, and Tanner came over today with the painting and cupcakes. (I don't even think she knew it was Landon's 2 month birthday!) They are awesome friends and we can't wait for mini-Moon to get here and play with Landon!

As I blogged about earlier this week, I took Landon to Pharr to meet my teacher friends. A precious little boy named Michael was asking me all kinds of questions like, "Is it a boy or girl?" "How long has he been alive?" "Does he talk?" and my favorite, "Is it real?" I laughed at the time Michael asked this, but I've been thinking about that innocent question ever since. Is this real?
Kris and I went through a lot physically, emotionally, and spiritually to get Landon. There were times when it seemed like we might never have a baby and it was hard to keep our hopes up. So I find myself asking sometimes, "Is it real?" Do we really have a healthy little boy? Is he really here? Have our prayers been answered? I constantly want to pinch myself and make sure that this is all real. Motherhood is hard, very hard. It's definitely a full time job, and I have no idea how single parents do it. There are afternoons when Landon is fussy, and nothing in the world makes him happy. Those times can be exhausting, mentally and physically. But each and every second is so worth it. I wouldn't trade anytime with Landon for anything. So yes, Michael, it is real. God has really blessed us with the most wonderful miracle possible. Happy 2 month birthday, Landon. Here's to a million more months...

1 comment:

  1. What a cutie, and you look great!!! Thanks for keeping us up-to-date!
