Monday, January 5, 2009

Shout out to Mimi!

They say when something goes wrong the first person you want is your Mom. When we found out last Wednesday that Landon was going to be admitted to the hospital, I immediately wanted my mom, or now known as Landon's Mimi. I've only been a mom for 6 weeks now, and I've learned quickly that there is nothing I wouldn't do for my child. My mom is proof that this feeling continues until your child is no longer a child, but a 30 year old new mom.
I've always known my mom to be the most unselfish person I've ever known. However, when it comes to her children and grandson, she kicks it into high gear and gives us her all. Kris, Landon, and I would not have made it through our recent hospital stay without Mimi.
She brought meal after meal to us. She took off of work to come sit with me at the hospital when Kris had to go to an appointment. She loved on Landon endlessly. When the doctor suggested that we use a humidifier, Mimi ran out and got us one. She brought me "Mamma Mia" in the hospital just because. She did ALL of our laundry which had really been piling up. She cooked food for us at home and made me take a much needed nap. She did everything she could and more.
Thank you Mimi for taking care of us and proving to me that wanting to do anything for your child is a lifelong desire. You're the best mom I could've ever asked for and a wonderful role model to me! There's no way I can't be a great mom with you by my side!


  1. Jessica, this post is so sweet! I made my eyes leak. :) Landon's MiMi is amazing!

  2. Isn't it amazing how you grow to love and appreciate your own mom even more once you walk a day (or endure an hour of labor!) in her shoes?
