Monday, January 19, 2009

This Monkey can move!

Landon still sleeps in the pack n play in our bedroom. (There's no telling when I'll start putting him in his crib...) I got him an inclined sleep positioner to sleep on because he likes to be elevated and have something around him. (Well, he can't tell us this, but we think it's what he likes since he likes being held so much!) Every time Landon wakes up (doesn't matter what time it is), this is what Landon looks like:

He slides down off the positioner every time! He kicks so much and moves in his sleep. This little monkey is all over the place!

But he's always so happy and content first thing in the morning. He's just laying there babbling and looking around. It's so precious and he makes getting up each morning (no matter how much sleep I'm deprived of) totally worth it.

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