Sunday, January 4, 2009

We're Home!

Needless to say, the last several days have been stressful and busy. We are so thankful that Landon got the all clear to come home from the hospital on Saturday morning. He went through the night without needing any help from the oxygen. Every time they checked his levels, he was between 95-100%. Praise the Lord!
Now we have to go back to the doctor on Tuesday for a checkup to make sure that Landon is still doing well. He's had no fever since Wednesday afternoon and his congestion is slowly but surely clearing up. Kris and I can already tell that Landon is coughing less and less. The doctor said that he will be contagious for another week, but we're going to play it safe and stay away from other young kids for 2 more weeks to be on the safe side. Landon can only give adults and children a cold, but he can pass RSV on to children 2 and under. We sure have learned a lot about RSV the past few days!
Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, and phone calls. We're happy to be getting back in a "normal" routine (whatever that is with a newborn!). We can't tell you how glad we are to be home and in our own beds instead of in the teeny tiny hospital room. God has been so good to us. Here's a few pics of Landon getting to come home:
Snoozing with Papa

Enjoying my own bouncer seat and not having all those tubes and wires!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you guys are home. What an ordeal for Landon (and new parents!!!).

